Within hospitals they speak of different bubbles: eg. the “patient bubble” and the “hospital bubble”. And within these bubbles we find different kinds of cultures.

To live and receive healthcare in your own home can benefit the wellbeing of many patients. For this reason, healthcare provided in homes is increasing in Norway. We wanted to look at how one can create trust and safety between staff, psychiatric patients, and their next of kin when living at home with assistance, when they have different cultural backgrounds.

During the research process we realized that increasing competency about cultures was not the main goal, but to focus on how we are meeting different cultures than our own. The project therefore ended up being a set of tools for healthcare workers to reflect on their own role and position before, during and after examinations in patients’ homes.
The Culture Program aims to adjust our thinking from cultural competency to cultural humility. This involves understanding that someone's cultural bubble is not representing a whole culture but the individual person.

During our project we’ve been working with Oslo University Hospital (OUS), OUS Home and The Regional Section for Psychiatry, Developmental Disabilities and Autism (PUA) as part of the C3 Health Program. 

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